
Learn about the Anne Klein 2023 Spring Impact Program!


Anne Klein, our namesake, was a trailblazer in every sense of the word—her mission was to empower women through more than just her clothing. 

She famously said: “Clothes won’t change the world. The women who wear them will.” We’ve done everything we can to further her legacy through different initiatives over the years.

With Earth Month taking place just last month, Anne Klein, with the help of our valued partner Candice Swanepoel, launched the 2023 Spring Impact Program. 

Let’s dive into what the program is all about. 

What is the Spring Impact Program?

The 2023 Spring Impact Program is an initiative helping lower-income and immigrant women create businesses within the sustainable fashion industry, something we’re passionate about here at Anne Klein. The Spring 2023 class began in April and will run for 15 weeks through July, with the current class consisting of 16 women ranging from 25 to 56 years old. 

In these classes, students will learn how to sew, design, and sell in the sustainable fashion industry, and the class will end in July with a fashion show highlighting creations from the students! 

So, what is Anne Klein’s part in the program?

We started by donating our products for students to use during their classes with the talented mentors (including Candice!). As a sponsor for the end-of-term fashion show, we’ll also be hosting a Lunch & Learn event for the students and a moderated discussion where mentors will share insights, inspirations, and address inquiries about the sustainable fashion industry. 

The result of the program has two incredible benefits: Helping those in need to break into the industry of their dreams and promoting sustainable business practices in an industry desperate for innovation. 

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Though we’ve been a part of many sustainability initiatives in the past, our commitment to sustainability permeates through the rest of our brand as well.

For example, our Considered Collection—a wide selection of stylish watches designed thoughtfully to minimize our environmental footprint. A solar battery powers every watch in this collection and includes vegan and cruelty-free materials, non-petroleum plastics made from natural materials, and lead-free crystals.

We’ve also taken a stance to reduce plastic waste in our oceans through a partnership with Oceanworks. This partnership has allowed us to create more stylish watches that use recycled ocean plastics in their design. The result is a classy timepiece that, more importantly, helps reduce our impact on the planet. 

We Look Forward to Continued Sustainability Projects and Efforts

As we move forward through the decade, we’re excited to continue our efforts toward promoting sustainable business practices and helping women join the sustainable fashion movement. 

We look forward to the results of our Spring Impact Program and, together with our partners, cannot wait for the finished results at the end-of-program fashion show! 
